Elementary Learning Center Teacher LTS
The Sharon Public Schools is seeking a Long Term Substitute, 1.0 FTE moderate special education teacher to work with students in an K-5 Learning Center model at the Cottage Street School.
Position available 9/23/24 through 11/3/24
Grade level caseload assignments are based on student need.
The duties of the special education teacher include but are not limited to:
- Direct instruction with students based on IEP goals, in and out of the classroom
- Co-teach if/when appropriate
- Act as case manager/liaison for students on instructional caseload,
- Develop and implement IEP goals and accommodations,
- Collaboration/consultation with general education teachers as well as related service providers,
- Oversight of Instructional Assistants supporting students on caseload
- Communication between home and school,
- Administer and analyze special education assessments as part of the initial and revaluation eligibility process,
- Write evaluation reports which include diagnostic impressions and educationally relevant recommendations
- Facilitate and chair annual review team meetings.
- Complete all necessary IEP process paperwork, including bi-annual progress reports
Experience with Wilson Reading System preferred.
The successful candidate will have experience with the IEP team process, as well as the administration of evaluation tools. Strong written and oral communication skills are required.
MA DESE Certification: Teacher of Students with Moderate Disabilities PreK–8 required.